Inventions and developments by Michael Vitek
1. Foot surgery and foot medicine
Michael Vitek has spent his professional life as an orthopaedic surgeon and foot surgeon. He was and is not always satisfied with the common and usual methods of surgical techniques on the forefoot and saw problematic results after the established operations in many patients from outside but also from his "own workshop".
This led him to his own developments and inventions to improve the surgical technique for the correction of hallux valgus, hallux rigidus and hammer toes as well as the tailor's ball and splayfoot.
A close cooperation with the company Normed from Tuttlingen/Germany was established, which was taken over by the global corporation Zimmer-Biomet from Warsaw/USA a few years ago. After Zimmer-Biomet had largely left foot surgery in 2017, the company Astrolabe from Portugal became our new cooperation partner. Astrolabe is a young, international and up-and-coming company that is very much focused on innovation and the development of new methods.
These operations, known as the V-tek technique, allow for previously unknown correction possibilities, coupled with immediate full resilience, i.e. immediate walking - according to the degree of pain and swelling, which, however, decreases significantly with the minimally invasive technique. We do not use drill wires for this.
The V-tek implants:
2. Shoes after the operation, Medic Ballerina
A more or less voluminous bandage is applied after each forefoot operation. The patient therefore has to wear some kind of shoe which absorbs this bandage and still does not hinder the patient's movement too much.
The ladies usually thought, after seeing the chunky shoes with which they were to walk the weeks after the operation, that although they had now got a beautiful foot, they were now being fitted with a terrible "clumsy shoe".
Therefore, I decided to develop a shoe together with the company Hegos from Germany, which actually looks like a shoe, but which is constructed in such a way that bandages or swollen feet can easily be absorbed - the Medic Ballerina.
We now routinely use this shoe after all our forefoot operations to the great satisfaction of our patients.
Please see the Medic Ballerinas under "Information/Shoes".
3 Waving, the new lifestyle - freedom from pain for back and joints, ways out of depression and other psychological problems
As a patient of low back pain myself, I developed a method to get rid of pain in joints and the spine quickly and efficiently. Without medication, without injections and without side effects. Instead with the power of breathing, with the power of the psyche and with economical, rhythmic and symmetrical movements.
Train body, psyche and breathing and defeat your problems!
Dr. Vitek has published two books on the subject of Waving.
The books are available in the office at a price of 20 euros each.