Tarsal tunnel syndrome

This disease is a nerve compression syndrome, affecting the Tibial Nerve (sural nerve) and its bifurcations.

The symptoms manifest themselves in the form of pain and paresthesia ("pins and needles", "burning"), which originate behind the medial malleolus and radiate into the inner sole area.

The cause of these problems is the narrowing of the under normal conditions already narrow passage of the tibial nerve behind the medial malleolus. The causes can be injuries (fractures, sprains of the ankle), overuse or foot deformities (flat feet).

Immediately triggered by swelling, inflammation and subsequent scarring in the area of the "bottleneck".

Because the sensitive nerve can not escape, it is compressed by this mass and gets damaged. The diagnosis is confirmed by an electrical nerve testing.

Treatment principle

If conservative treatment (immobilization, infiltration, inserts, drugs) fail, then a surgical splitting of the constricting bands (transverse carpal ligament) and removal of the scarred cords is performed in the tarsal tunnel.


Getting up under full load is possible on the first postoperative day.

Ability to work, sports ability

Office work can be started on the third postoperative day. Sports and heavy physical work should be avoided for at least a month.


About 75 percent of patients are pain-free and at least 20 percent have less symptoms. But you should try conservative therapy, although unfortunately it often does not lead to success in this case, at least for four weeks.


Rarely wound complications or infections occur.